ClimateScience Olympiad

Find solutions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). $10,000 prize pool.

Update: Watch live when we announce the 2021 winners at the UN's COP26 with our special guest: Jane Goodall. Registrations for the CSO22 open in Nov '21.

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or if you are a school, uni, NGO or club, become a partner.

Coming up soon...

The ClimateScience Olympiad 2022 (CSO22)

Governments, cities, school districts, and universities can register events early by contacting If you have a background in a climate solutions related field become a volunteer judge.

ClimateScience Olympiad procedure and structure
Tell me when I can sign up

or if you are a school, uni, NGO or club, become a partner.

1. Qualifiers

Register until 10th Aug 2022.

The qualifier round is a 20-minute exam. You can do this online right now, later, or as a student at your school. The exam can be taken on your computer or smartphone, or on paper if you participate in a school.

Individual schools will be invited to register their events. Those events allow schools to host qualifiers for all participants at once. Upon verificaton, schools can also get printable versions of the sheets and conduct exams in paper form.

Each person can participate up to 4 times. If a participant is found to have participated more than 4 times they will be disqualified.

All participants will receive a certificate, and top participants a special honour.

Registration for CSO22 opening soon.

ClimateScience Qualifier

2. Quarter Finals

Feb-Aug 2022

The best 10% of all qualifier participants advance to the Quarter Finals. Quarter Finals follow the same quick-question format that Qualifiers follow.

ClimateScience Olympiad Semi Final

3. Semi-Finals

Mar-Sep 2022

Congratulations! You've demonstrated advanced knowledge on climate solutions. Now it's time to put this to good use and start solving some real problems.

In the Semi-Final, you choose one of three problem statements to respond to. To help you prepare, you are told the topics 10 days before the event, but the exact problem statement is only revealed at the start of the actual qualifier event.

Then you have 3 hours to research and write essay responses to questions related to the problem statement. ClimateScience will score each team's solution.

Learn more:

ClimateScience Olympiad Final

4. The Final

October 2022


Every finalist will be awarded a Bronze Medal, the top 100 and top 10 will be awarded a Silver and Gold Medal, respectively. The top teams split the prize pool of $15,000 (USD).

Finals require a written exam, a presentation, and an interview. As in 2021, we hope to conduct the winners ceremony at the United Nations' Climate Summit (COP) and give the top teams the opportunity to present their solutions on a world stage.

ClimateScience Olympiad Final


Jim Savage

Senior Manager of Data Science, Schmidt Futures

David Addison

Carbon Removal, Innovation and Sustainability Manager at Virgin Group

Vaitea Cowan

Co-founder at Enapter (Green Hydrogen)

Mirik Gogri

Corporate Strategy, Aarti Industries & Sustainability investor, Spectrum Impact




ClimateScience community event
ClimateScience community event
ClimateScience community event
ClimateScience lesson in a school
ClimateScience lesson in a school
ClimateScience community event
ClimateScience lesson in a school
ClimateScience community event
ClimateScience community event
ClimateScience community event

FAQ 2021



我们有两个年龄组:14至17岁和18-25岁。 如果您在登记时是其中一个人,无论国籍或其他因素如何,您都有资格登记。





合格者: 只有5%的参与者可以进入半决赛,因此准备工作可以产生重大影响。 您可以参加我们的 课程 或在 应用程序完成我们的测验。 除此之外,阅读你对事件感兴趣的东西并将其连接起来!

半决赛: 如果你成功晋级半决赛, 恭喜! 如果你愿意,所有半决赛选手都被将邀请参加一个由气候科学主导的培训小组来为你进行密集的准备。

决赛: 与半决赛相同。



赢家: 前3支队伍分别赢得5,000美元、3,000美元和2,000美元。 奖金在两名队员之间分配一半/一半,或者全额授予给独自参加的选手。

绝赛选手: 如果疫情没有更严重, 决赛者将线下会面,并出席2021年11月1日至12日在格拉斯哥举行的联合国气候首脑会议的“绿区”。 我们正在申请决赛者也有机会进入进行政治对话的地区,并将在2021年4月之前就此发布最新情况。

半决赛: 您被邀请参加一个由气候科学领导的培训小组,帮助您准备半决赛,如果您继续,将进入决赛。






When do I receive my results and certificate?

Results of all participants from a month are announced by the end of the next month. For example, all participants from April receive their results by the end of May. Results will include your certificate of participation, and whether or not you’ve been selected for semi-finals. If you’ve been selected for the semi-finals you'll hear from us soon and if you haven’t been selected, then you can sign up to participate in another qualifier.


I haven't received my 3 topics?

Topics are sent 10 days before the event date and if you’ve signed up within 10 days, you’ll get the topics email immediately. Please check your spam folder or search “Climatescience” in the search bar of the inbox to locate the mail. If you still can’t find it, email us your username at and we will look into the matter.


Can I be paired up with random participants?

No, currently you can either participate alone or in a team of two that you need to form on your own. We do not pair any random participants with each other.


How do I cancel my participation?

You don’t have to do anything to cancel your participation. Simply sign up for another event. Beware that missing an event does count towards your maximum of three participations.


There has been a problem with my registration, I got some details wrong, wrong birthday, misspelled name etc. What should I do?

If you still haven't taken the exam, register again with the correct details and use the latest username and password. If you've already given the exam, please email us at and we will take the request forward.


Do both teammates have to submit the same answers or different ones?

Only one of the team mates needs to submit the answers.


How will the event be conducted, where do I need to write my responses, what kind of questions will be asked?

For all these queries, please go through the Olympiad webpage very thoroughly. We made this video to explain the whole process better.


I haven't received my 3 topics?

Topics are sent 10 days before the event date and if you’ve signed up within 10 days, you’ll get the topics email immediately. Please check your spam folder or search “Climatescience” in the search bar of the inbox to locate the mail. If you still can’t find it, email us your username at and we will look into the matter.






成为裁判员 这里。







