


ClimateScience是一家總部位於英國的全球慈善機構,由來自30個國家/地區的數百名受志願服務的志願者和一小組工作人員領導。 我們旨在使學習變得引人入勝,容易得到且可靠。





老師們在教室中使用我們的Instagram內容。 ClimateScience(現在有10名志願者)開始著手研究課程。


我們是100名志願者,出版了大多數課程和我們的第一本兒童讀物,在10個國家/地區擁有社區,並獲得了Google前首席執行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)基金會的資助。


每月20,000個網絡用戶,100,000s跨平台。 與政府的對話。 以及更多!

260個 貢獻者,30個國家/地區的400位社區領導人,1個目標。立即加入!




老師們在教室中使用我們的Instagram內容。 ClimateScience(現在有10名志願者)開始著手研究課程。


我們是100名志願者,出版了大多數課程和我們的第一本兒童讀物,在10個國家/地區擁有社區,並獲得了Google前首席執行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)基金會的資助。


每月20,000個網絡用戶,100,000s跨平台。 與政府的對話。 以及更多!

260個 貢獻者,30個國家/地區的400位社區領導人,1個目標。立即加入!

被... 建議

Renate Christ

Former Director at IPCC Secretariat

After decades of working in the field of environment, climate change and development at the scientific and policy level I retired recently from my post as Secretary of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I am particular interested in human rights, poverty alleviation and gender issues, as they relate to climate change and development.

David Addison

Working with others towards a safe and just Sapiezoic

Climate action, innovation, purpose and sustainability at Virgin. Co-founder: Carbon Removal Centre. Advisor & volunteer: several climate action & purpose-driven accelerators, awards, non-profits, and ventures. Passion for all the sciences - master of none.

Sophie Gallois

Former Deputy Exec. Director at Unicef UK

Sophie was Deputy Executive Director at Unicef UK. Before that, she was MD at the Gin Hub and global marketing director at Chivas Brothers. She launched a “Business as a Force for Good” campaign around the world, reaching over 10,000 social entrepreneurs.

Mariana Castaño Cano

Climate Comms Expert

Mariana is an international journalist and communications expert. After 20 years of experience in the media and the United Nations she founded 10 Billion Solutions to help organizations unleash the power of communications as a force for good.

Joanna Haigh

Climate Scientist

Atmospheric physicist, Fellow of the Royal Society. Formerly: Co-Director Grantham Institute on Climate Change and Environment at Imperial College London, Head of Imperial College Physics Department, President of the Royal Meteorological Society, Lead Author for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Emily Shuckburgh

Climate Scientist, University of Cambridge

Experience: Director, Cambridge Zero; Associate Fellow, Centre for Science & Policy Cambridge; Reader at Environmental Data Science University of Cambridge; Fellow & Co-chair at Royal Meteorological Society; Advisor at UK Government.

Verena Winiwarter

Professor of Environmental History

Professor of Environmental History, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria; Full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences; Member of Academia Europea, Chairperson of the Commission of Interdisciplinary Ecologcal Studies. Researching toxic legacy sites.

Nathalie Seddon

Professor of Biodiversity, University of Oxford

Experience: Professor of Biodiversity, University of Oxford; Senior Associate of the International Institute for Environment and Development; Senior Fellow of the Oxford Martin School. Founder & Director of Nature-based Solutions Initiative.

Matthew Shribman

Science Communicator and Environmentalist

Matthew is a science communicator and environmentalist. He is a Co-Founder and the Head Teacher at AimHi. He has appeared across the BBC, spoken for TEDxLondon and advises the World Congress of Science & Factual Producers. Specialising in impact beyond the echo chamber, his online videos have over 25 million views and his environmental campaigns have been supported by Peter Gabriel and Sir Paul McCartney. Matthew holds a 1st Class MChem from the University of Oxford.



Eric Steinberger


Eric在麻省理工學院(MIT),臉書Facebook AI,維也納大學(TU Vienna)和盧森堡大學(Luxembourg University)工作-- 全部完成在劍橋大學第一學年之前。

這是因為免費的在線教育。 14歲那年,他開始通過MIT的「Open CourseWare」計劃和其他在線材料來學習物理和計算機科學。



Isabel Key



此後,她開始在牛津大學的自然基礎解決方案倡議 (NBSI) 中擔任研究助理,在那裡她從事氣候變遷適應、森林和生態系統的研究。

