
8 一分鐘閱讀

更新於: 2021年04月29日18:23:06 格林威治標準時間

儘儘一個人的行動還不足以阻止氣候變化 。 那麼,你可以採取什麼措施來鼓勵更廣泛,系統性的變化呢?

好吧,你可以投票! 但是你需要大量投票才能贏得選舉,而且有些人還太年輕或無法投票。 因此,一些人轉向{行動主義來表達他們的聲音。


{行動分子是一些致力於提高對某個問題的認識,旨在引起變化的人 。 你可能聽說過:

  • {Greta Thunberg-氣候變化 - 2003到現在
  • Nelson Mandela-南非的種族平等-1918年至2013年
  • {Malala Yousafzai-女性教育-1997年到現在

Activists often join forces in large groups. For example, Greenpeace, Fridays for Future, and Extinction Rebellion are all activist groups fighting for environmental causes .

Image of 行動主義者地球寶寶



These groups sometimes organise large protests. For example, in March 2019 a number of organisations held the first “Global Climate Strike”, where an estimated 1.6 million people took to the streets in cities around the world to demand climate action .

That’s not to say all activists do is protest :

Image of 行動和行動主義者可以採取的行動


越來越多的行動主義也出現在網上:例如,超過一半的美國人使用{社交軟件 來表達政治思想

Image of 網絡上的行動主義行動



活動人士通過抗議活動尋求許多目標。 最大的兩個目標是觸發政府的直接行動,以及通過提高認識來改變更多民眾的情緒。 讓我們逐一看一下這些目標…


抗議者經常有他們想要滿足的明確要求。 例如

Image of 威特蘇威登的管道抗議


However, because governments make decisions for a number of reasons, it is often extremely difficult to know whether government action comes as a direct result of protests . This makes it hard to know whether the protest itself was successful at causing the change .

Plus, governments sometimes take action which harms protesters, rather than helping them. For example, in June 2020 around 15-26 million Americans took part in largely peaceful Black Lives Matter protests around the country . In some places, the police responded with disproportionate violence, including firing rubber bullets and spraying tear gas at protesters .

This can happen to environmental activists too: in 2019, French police used tear gas on a group of climate protesters blocking a bridge in Paris . In some countries, law enforcement can be much harsher on protesters, for example through arrest or violence .

While protesters like the Wet’suwet’en protesters in Canada have clear demands, a protest is not necessarily a failure if these are not met. This is because protesters have another goal too…


在許多方面,行動主義是一場爭取注意力的鬥爭。 如果維權人士可以吸引足夠多的人考慮這個問題,他們也許就能改變人們如何 來思考問題。 具體怎麼做呢?


例如,近年來,氣候行動主義的語言已經從對樹的擁抱(想想北極熊)轉變為氣候變化對人民與正義 的影響的關注。 這種圖像往往能更有效地推動人們行動起來

Image of 哪種圖像對氣候行動主語最有效? 


抗議者的目標也是為了改變人們對某個話題的看法。 例如,看看自2020年的「黑人生活問題」的抗議以來,美國公眾輿論發生了怎樣的變化:

Image of 輿論可以迅速改變



最後,有證據表明,行動主義者可以使人們更有可能投票給特定的政客 。 讓我們看看美國的另一個例子…

2009年,一個名為「茶黨」的組織組織了抗議活動,以支持美國的保守政客。 一項研究發現,有證據表明,在這些事件中只要多一名抗議者,就將獲得了12張保守派的選票 


Image of 大規模的和平抗議活動比暴力抗議活動更為成功


But how big does a protest need to be?

One famous study of anti-government protests shows that if a protest gets 3.5% of a population involved it is almost certain to succeed .

But studies looking at other types of protest have found that you need far more people - up to a quarter of a country’s population . What they all agree on, however, is that the bigger the protest, the higher the chance of it being successful .

Things become a bit more complicated when there are two protest groups in direct opposition to each other. Here we know that the difference between the two movements’ sizes becomes important .

More problematically, when there are two big protest movements on either side of an argument, their views can become even more extreme . This makes the problem worse because it becomes harder for each side to find middle ground and compromise . This is known as polarisation.

Image of 貓與狗之間的兩極分化


這並不是說,如果抗議活動足夠大,它將一定會成功。 例如,在2008年全球金融危機之後,反不平等抗議活動吸引了全球數百万抗議者。 儘管如此,全球不平等現在比以往任何時候都更加嚴重



事實上,有證據表明,{暴力抗議遠沒有和平抗議有效 。 看看這些數字吧!

Image of 非暴力運動往往更成功


You read that right, violent campaigns are more than twice as likely to fail as peaceful ones !

The difference is particularly stark when you compare violent and non-violent pro-democracy protests :

Image of 非暴力運動的影響


為什麼? 因為暴力抗議

  • 由於有些人無法參加暴力活動(例如年輕人),或有些人害怕參與,因此使很多人更難以參與。 這限制了暴力抗議的規模,這是最重要的因素。
  • 增加部隊做出不成比例地反應的機會,從而平息了抗議活動。


With almost 60% of the world’s population having access to the internet, it is no surprise that online activism is becoming so popular .

One way that activism happens online is through petitions…


A petition is a written request, signed by many people, to a person or body of authority, such as the government or a company, in the hope of finding a solution to an issue .

The theory is that the more people who sign the petition, the more pressure the body of authority will be under to follow through with the request .

Image of 支持所有人能有免費冰淇淋的請願


In the UK, anyone can create a petition, but it must receive 10,000 signatures to receive a response from parliament and over 100,000 for it to be debated !

Yet even this does not mean that the request will be granted. In fact, in 2017 four of the ten most signed petitions were not even debated, and not a single one of them was successful . Those are not great numbers!


Due to the high failure rate of petitions, you might be thinking there’s no point in signing them .

Petition signers are sometimes called ‘slacktivists’ - ‘lazy’ activists who feel as if they have created change, without actually engaging with direct action  .

Image of 什麼是「懶惰的行動者」


There are some benefits to petitions, though.

Petitions and other forms of online activism, such as sharing information on social media, are peaceful, safe and accessible to anyone at any age with an internet connection .

This helps more people to engage with issues. Though online activists may spend less time being an ‘activist’ than those attending physical protests, it’s possible to argue that the sheer number of them make them an equally impactful part of a movement as the core minority .

Image of 為什麼擁有強大的「外圍」很重要


此外,網上行動主義是一個很好的墊腳石,讓人們對問題更有熱情並轉向更直接的形式。 讓我們看一看:

Image of 請願簽署人的共同特徵




Unlike the other personal steps we’ve looked at in this course, there’s no way to say how much CO₂ could be saved by taking part in protests.

But we can look at the ways past protests have been successful in changing how people think about an issue in order to learn how these could be applied to the environmental movement.

Beyond benefits to the planet, studies have suggested that going to protests can improve self-confidence , increase well-being later in life , help develop skills and knowledge , and more .

As long as you stay thoughtful and safe, and match activism with real life-long commitments to change, there’s little harm in making your voice heard , and there’s a chance you could contribute towards meaningful change .

Image of 應對氣候變化的行動


如果你決定進行抗議活動,請務必記住{無論多麼和平,抗議都不一定是安全或合法的。 請確保在出發之前做好準備,並研究你所在國家的法律和權利。
