
5 一分鐘閱讀

更新於: 2021年04月05日16:45:05 格林威治標準時間


我們的 飲食 對氣候變化有很大影響,因為全球 人造溫室氣體 排放的 26% 來自食物的生產和分配。這包括食品的運輸和包裝。但是,應該指出的是,食品運輸僅佔這些排放的一小部分,在歐盟中僅佔食品生產排放的6%,在美國中僅佔食品生產排放的5.1%

以下餅圖分解了全球 食物生產 每年釋放的137億噸 二氧化碳 

Image of 飲食中二氧化碳的排放量按行業劃分




Different foods produce different amounts of greenhouse gas, so it makes sense that changing our diets can have a positive impact on our own carbon footprint .

Did you know that, on average, eating 100g of protein from beef produces 167x more greenhouse gas than eating 100g of protein from nuts ? Take a look at the chart below to see how other foods compare:

(Note: while growing nuts produces more greenhouse gases than some other plant-based foods, replacing cropland with nut trees increases the absorption of carbon from the atmosphere, thus lowering the total net emissions from the final product.)

Image of 各種食物的二氧化碳排放量


減少碳足跡 的一種方法是採用以植物為主的飲食。 通過從飲食中去除動物產品,食品部門的溫室氣體 排放量可以減少近50%


Image of 改變你飲食習慣的影響



While the transport of food makes up only a small proportion of emissions (only 6% of emissions from the average diets in the EU  and 5.1% in the US ), it still is an easy area in which to reduce emissions from the food supply chain .

What can we do to reduce emissions from food transport and processing?

  1. 避免空運食物–短途飛機的運輸會排放約1,700 g二氧化碳/噸每千米。 相比之下,海上運輸每公里產生的\definition {溫室氣體}{greenhouse gas} 排放量最少,約為2 g二氧化碳/噸每千米 
  2. 轉到源頭-避免使用\ definition {加工食品}{processed food},因為食品加工和包裝使用了大量\ definition {能源}{energy}。
Image of 減少你飲食中排放的技巧


How much do food miles matter?

While reducing how far your food has travelled can help reduce emissions in many cases, it is also important to consider how the food was produced in the first place .

For example, in cooler countries, energy is needed to keep sheep and cattle warm. Generally, this is not required in countries with a warmer climate .

Image of 為什麼僅食物里程不能有效衡量環境影響


Energy is also required to keep food fresh and cold. Some fruits and vegetables are preserved in cold storage for months so that they can be sold out of season .

Clearly, how far your food has travelled is not a reliable indicator of the carbon footprint of your food. Indeed, for beef production, transportation typically accounts for less than 1% of emissions ! In this case, it is not the location of where you buy your meat which makes its carbon footprint high, but the meat itself .


食物浪費 每年導致約44億噸二氧化碳 的排放

Image of 全球糧食損失和浪費




如果我們可以從一頭母牛的兩個細胞中製造出80,000個漢堡呢?  最近的技術進步已使科學家能夠使用稱為\definition {幹細胞}{stem cell} 的特殊細胞在實驗室中種植肉

Image of 如何培育肉


Cultured meat, which is meat created from stem cells, has substantially lower greenhouse gas emissions, land requirements, and water usage than livestock . You can find out more about cultured meat in our Food and Farming course!

Even so, plant-based meat substitutes, such as the Impossible Burger and Beyond Meat, have an even lower environmental impact than both conventionally produced livestock and cultured meat .


飲食是我們生活的重要組成部分,也是我們對環境的影響。 通過採用更具可持續性的\ definition {飲食}{diet},我們可以在減少溫室氣體排放方面發揮自己的作用。
