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更新於: 2021年04月29日20:31:40 格林威治標準時間

我們都以不用的方式體驗這個世界。因此,為了解決氣候變化,我們必須考慮每個人的觀點。從 {社會 {和 環境 兩個方面來說,賦予婦女權力對於建設更美好的未來至關重要。

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婦女可以使用 {如此多的方式 來幫助應對氣候危機,我們 {只是沒有時間在這裡一一介紹。在本章中,我們將僅探討性別平等可以幫助解決氣候變化的三種方式:改善農耕,計劃生育和氣候領導力方面的機會和平等。




Image of 女人與男人的機會



By increasing women’s farming productivity, more food can be produced on existing farmland, meaning fewer forests would need to be cleared for additional fields to grow food .

Furthermore, raising women’s agricultural productivity could result in 100-150 million fewer people living with hunger , and improve the quality of life for children globally .



Image of 地球寶寶戴著草帽錘打



Image of 婦女擁有的土地百分比






Image of 婦女的無償護理職責


That’s a staggering ten times longer than men, who only spend an average of around 35 minutes on unpaid duties per day . In fact, this is a pattern that is seen throughout the world, in both rich and poor countries .

Globally, women do on average 2.5 times more unpaid work than men .

Unpaid domestic duties are completely essential to keep families happy and healthy but are often overlooked, and are far more time consuming than they need to be .

Image of 婦女和兒童的集水義務


Simple solutions, like building local wells, can free up women’s time . This could help close the gender gap in agricultural productivity as it would allow women to spend more time farming, if they choose .

A second way to boost women’s farming productivity is to help them become more efficient farmers .

Tasks that are traditionally done by men, such as ploughing fields, tend to use animal power to be more efficient . By contrast, tasks that are traditionally done by women, like weeding and harvesting, are not often mechanised . Instead, they are done with traditional manual tools and are very time consuming .

In India, women typically weed soybean fields using traditional hand tools whilst bending or squatting. This is slow, uncomfortable, and can cause injuries .

Take a look:

Image of 用手動工具為大豆田除草


Improved tools reduce the work burden on women and increase their efficiency .

This is the improved ‘twin wheel hoe’ which is used to weed soybean fields while standing:

Image of 雙輪除草





Image of 計劃生育


Family planning is about enabling women to choose if they want children, how many they want, and when they want to have them . This is achieved with the use of modern contraceptive methods .

In 2019, 24% of women in the world who wanted to use family planning did not have access to the contraceptives they needed .

As a result, these women experience high rates of unplanned pregnancy .

The situation is worse in the developing world : 225 million women from low income countries say that they want to choose if and when they become pregnant, but they can’t because they can’t access contraception .

Image of 使用現代避孕方法的婦女百分比



首先,計劃生育和避孕藥具賦予了婦女對其生活和身體上的權利。通過控制生殖健康,年輕女性更有可能完成學業,並為自己的未來奠定基礎 。婦女可以根據自己的職業和個人情況來計劃懷孕,使她們可以選擇和追求自己的理想

Image of 避孕讓女性規劃自己的生活




Image of 生育率與避孕普及率


Increasing family planning would slow population growth by preventing the unplanned births that might have happened without contraception .

In fact, family planning has huge potential to reduce predicted global emissions, especially when combined with educating girls (take a look at the chapter on education).

Family planning and girls’ education together could reduce global emissions by 85.4Gt CO₂e by 2050 .

That’s over 1.5 times the total emissions produced in 2018 ! By slowing population growth, family planning and education could provide 16-29% of the reduction in emissions needed to avoid climate warming of over 2ºC .





Image of 婦女在政治包容方面面臨許多障礙。



Women make up most of the world’s poor and vulnerable people , which means that they are usually the most severely impacted by climate change .

If women are not included in climate decision making, their needs won’t be provided for and existing inequalities will deepen .

But including women in political decisions isn’t only the right thing to do; it is also the smart choice for people and the environment .

Different genders experience the world differently and so have different needs, but they also have different expertise . Especially across the developing world, women’s traditional duties mean that they have a unique understanding of environmental conservation . To combat climate change, we need to use the knowledge and skills of both men and women !

What’s more, women tend to have different opinions and perspectives to men, which can help make balanced policies . When making decisions, women often consider their family and community as well as themselves . Also, women generally avoid risk-taking and show greater concern for the environment .

So, is it likely that including women in decision-making and leadership is already helping the environment? There is a pattern where equality for women in leadership tends to come alongside better climate actions . Here are just a few examples: 

Image of 婦女參與決策和領導有助於環境!


Other factors could also affect these trends, and leaders of any gender can make both good and bad decisions. Nonetheless, leadership with increased diversity generally performs better . Empowering women as decision makers and international leaders could reduce inequality and help fight climate change .

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Through empowering women we can build the future we want for humanity. In this future, people of all genders have the power to make choices and have access to the resources they need to live healthy, sustainable and fulfilling lives.

And, in achieving this world, we may even stop climate change too.
