
3 一分鐘閱讀

更新於: 28 Jan 2021


運輸佔全球溫室氣體排放量的16%” 。 如果我們希望減少個人排放,這是一個很好的起點。

Image of Emissions vary depending on what you use to travel

Emissions vary depending on what you use to travel

Flying creates 2.4% of global CO₂ emissions ! But this is only part of the story - over half of its climate impact comes from non-CO₂ emissions .

For example, planes release trails of water vapour which produce clouds that trap energy from the sun, creating a warming effect three times that of CO₂ !

Image of 飛行的影響




如果無法做到這一點,那麼經濟艙飛行是下一個最佳選擇。 飛機公務艙的二氧化碳排放量是經濟艙的2至3倍,而頭等艙的二氧化碳排放量是公務艙的2至3倍! 這是因為高級座位佔用了更多空間

Image of 地球寶寶坐在狹窄的飛機上




Image of


Image of Riding together can lower your impact!

Riding together can lower your impact!


Electric cars get their energy from electricity in a battery, rather than fuel in a tank  .

不幸的是,大多數地方仍然通過燃燒\definition {化石燃料}{fossil fuels} 來發電


Image of Electric vehicles have a lower impact than conventional vehicles

Electric vehicles have a lower impact than conventional vehicles

Even in the US, where 84.3% of energy is produced by fossil fuels , electric vehicles emit half as much as petrol vehicles .

That said, electric cars still cause the same problems associated with all cars: traffic and road accidents .

Plus, cars release particles called PM₂.₅, which cause air pollution in cities . Most of these don’t come from the exhaust, but from friction in the breaks and the tyres, so occur on any type of car .

Image of Where do emissions from electric cars come from?

Where do emissions from electric cars come from?


We can all play a role in reducing our emissions by limiting how much we travel as well as choosing transportation options with a lower carbon footprint .

Image of You’ll reduce your impact by taking public transport!

You’ll reduce your impact by taking public transport!

現在你可能在想:「我可以減少自己的碳足跡,這很不錯,但是因為我只有一個人,它不會改變任何東西。」 這是一個重要的問題,我們接下來將進行探討!
